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Studying as a parent

Studying as a parent? You’re not alone! In Germany, over 6% of university students are parents, which means there are (on average) nearly 700 parents studying at the University of Rostock. Coordinating both — university and family — is not always easy. This is why we have the department “Studies & Family.”

If you have any questions, ideas, criticism or you just want to connect with others, please send an email:

We offer many events for studying parents and their children throughout the year. The next events can be viewed in our calendar or on the Instagram page of the AStA.

Isabell Radau

Studieren mit Kind

Sprechzeit: Thursdays 14:30 to 16:00 in the children’s corner, Mensa Ulme, Ulmenstraße 45, 18057 Rostock // The consultation hour is cancelled until 11.08

Currently only the German version is available. We are working on an English version.

Handout for students with child(ren) and all expectant parents